Top 5 Supplements for Coping with Seasonal Changes

As the seasons change, so do your bodies' nutritional needs. Just as you adjust to new routines, it is important to adjust your supplement intake to support your well-being during these seasonal transitions. 

When shifting from warmer to cooler months, your body can experience subtle changes in response to colder temperatures and shorter daylight hours. Consider adding these five supplements to your wellness regime to thrive during the upcoming fall and winter months. 

Vitamin D: The Sunshine Vitamin

As the days become shorter and colder, your exposure to natural sunlight decreases. You spend less time outdoors and your opportunities to get some sun become limited. This reduction in sunlight can lead to lower vitamin D levels.* 

Vitamin D plays many important roles in your body and is especially important for bone health, proper immune function, and better mood regulation.* Taking a vitamin D supplement can help bridge this gap and support your overall well-being during the transition.*

Vitamin C: Boost your ability to ward of sickness

Seasonal changes often coincide with an uptick to exposure to various illnesses.* To reinforce your immune system, consider adding vitamin C to your supplement regimen.* 

Vitamin C is an antioxidant that may help support your body as it fights off germs.* It may help support healthy immune function by protecting your cells from damaging free radicals and aiding in the body's natural defense mechanisms*. 

Vitamin C may also help protect you from natural discomfort and improve your bodies absorption of iron from the foods you eat.*  

Omega-3 Fatty Acids: Protect your Skin & Joints

As the temperature drops, some individuals may experience pain or discomfort in their joints. Omega-3 fatty acids have been shown to support loosening joint stiffness and discomfort.* Additionally, omega-3s may help support maintaining a healthy skin barrier, improving your cognitive function, and supporting your cardiovascular health.* 

By incorporating omega-3 supplements into your routine, you can support your overall well-being during seasonal shifts.* 

Rhodiola: Stress Support 

Seasonal changes can also cause you to feel more overwhelmed as you adjust to busier routines.* 

Rhodiola is considered an adaptogen, which is a class of herbs that may help your bodies respond to both physical and psychological factors better. Rhodiola may also help support improved mood and enhanced energy levels.* 

By incorporating rhodiola into your daily routine, it may help you better navigate the ups and downs that come with the colder, shorter months.* 

Probiotics: Protect your Gut Health

Your gut plays a significant role in maintaining your overall health. The changing of seasons can sometimes disrupt the balance of your gut microbiome.

Probiotic supplements introduce beneficial bacteria to your digestive system, which may help fight off the bad bacteria and help you feel better.* Probiotics may also help you digest your food better and aid in improved nutrient absorption.* 

By taking probiotics, you can support your gut health by maintaining a balanced microbiome during the seasonal shift.* 

Taking a proactive approach to your health and wellness during seasonal transitions by incorporating supplements alongside a well-balanced, whole-food diet can help ensure that your body is ready to face the challenges and embrace the changes that each new season has to offer. 

**These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure.