How to Remain Healthy While Traveling

Planning to travel soon? The summer months typically remain the peak travel season of the year and why not?! Beautiful weather, long days, sunshine and vitamin D. What could be better?

Vacation and travel is a great way to get outside, unwind from everyday life, and spend quality time with loved ones. Whether traveling by plane or going for a long-road trip in the car, we are out of our element in regards to our food routines and choices.

It can be overwhelming to think about upholding healthier habits while on the go and it is ok to splurge, but the key is to maintain balance. Your body and mind will thank you.

Being mindful while traveling and planning ahead will allow you to feel your best, have better energy, and return back home without the guilt. When we overindulge in high sodium, high sugar foods, our bodies tend to crave them more and make it harder for us to get back on track. Traveling doesn’t have to lead to weight gain!

Keep up your motivation to eat healthier while traveling with our favorite tips below!

Pack some snacks!

Having something to snack on will prevent excessive hunger. When we get hangry we tend to make impulse choices. You never know what options will be available and when. Aim for snacks with fiber and protein!

  • Trail Mix
  • Protein Bars
  • Roasted Chickpeas
  • Jerky with a Piece of Fruit
  • Nut Butter and Apple Slices or Whole Grain Crackers
  • Mixed Nuts and Seeds
  • Lentil Chips
  • Energy Balls
  • Dry Roasted Edamame

Stay hydrated!

We tend to drink less at airports and on long road trips to avoid going to the bathroom. It is also easy to lose track of how much water you’re actually drinking throughout the day.

Before coffee in the morning, start your day with a glass of water instead. On the go, keep a water bottle with you wherever you go.

Hydration is crucial for helping our organs function properly, it also helps us regulate our body temperature, keep our joints working properly, and bring nutrients to cells.

Plan ahead!

While on vacation, we know eating out can be difficult when trying to prioritize health! Take advantage of restaurants who provide their menu online. This is a good way to plan your meals ahead of time. While out, fill up on the healthier sides, like vegetables, then add in the lean protein to finish off your meal (if you’re still hungry)!

You can even plan ahead of your trip to make it easier. Coming home always leaves us tired (and sometimes, running late), so we usually clean out our fridge ahead of time and leave an easy, frozen meal to reheat for the first night back at home.

Don’t skip breakfast!

Breakfast fuels us for the day. Choose whole grains for fiber to prevent a blood sugar drop mid-morning. Sub the bacon biscuit for eggs and cheese on whole grain toast. Bringing single packs of oatmeal with you can save you money. Plus, you can use your hotel coffee maker for the hot water.

Practice mindful eating!

Enjoy the food and experience. Take your time eating and put your fork down between bites. Indulge… but not at every meal, every day. Split a meal with someone or bring half home for leftovers the next day. Make small substitutions that add up to saved calories throughout the week. Sub the sweet tea for water. Leave the mayo and cheese off the sandwich and sub for mustard and bulk with veggies.

Incorporate physical activity every day!

Keep your immune system strong by doing some type of physical activity everyday while on vacation. This will release endorphins, keep your energy levels up, and help with your sleep. Go for a long walk on the beach or after a meal. Choose a daily activity that incorporates fitness, such as renting bikes, an outdoor sport such as kayaking, going for a hike, or hitting the pool for a swim.